Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
lol, Aight I know people bout to be askin questions about this video...^ I always liked this video, I seen it on the Resurrection Of Pac, and I just liked tha fact that he waering a Magic jersey. This was in like 1993...^ Much respect to tha king. Orlando Stand Up! The fact that he rollin a blunt is irrelevant and hilarious at the same time. "Dont let me catch yall with that white shit...^Smoke Brown...^ BLACK FOR BLACK!!!
Look 2 dem starzzz...^
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
FRE$H AVE...^ The New Way!

Together us 4 make up the core of FRE$H AVE...The Founders.
Look 2 da starzzz...^

Aight I been watchin this UFC shit heavy lately, and I got to thinkin, wat if all my fav rappers met in tha octagon to have a rap battle,lol, that would be the shit. Just throw a beat on and we all just go at it. No money, just braggin rights for life. These tha rappers I wanna see. I fucks wit alot of rappers and it was hard to put this list togeather but this wat I came up wit.
1. 2pac...^(No explination)
2. Lauryn Hill...^(No explination)
3. Jay z...Jay is Jay, lyrical, beats, plus he's just a boss, cant argue wit his hussle skills.
4. Big...("Hearttrhob neva, black and ugly as ever", he was just real, he knew who he was and he was never fake about it.
5. Eminem...I was 9 years old rapiin but killin my wife, and doin drugs b4 I knew wat drugs was, Em is just Em, not afraid to take it there. Lyrics for days.
1. Wayne...^(No explanation)
2. Cassidy...^(No explination)...Favorite lyricist of all time!!!
3. Fabolous...Lyrics baby, plus he stay fre$h...Gotta love loso!
4. Ludacris...^Old luda, Chicken and Beer, Red Light District was my SHIT!!!
5. Kanye...^1st 3 albums are timeless, you miss me with this new shit, 808's and all these gay ass new features is trash. Sorry Ye, kept it 100, Bring the college dropout back.
1. Wale...^ My dude!!!
2. Papa Duck...^Florida Boy, this my nigga.
3. E-Ness...^Low Key, but he go hard... Da Band got me through 9th grade,lol.
4. Serious Jones...^A battle rapper who can make songs to, he lost to murda mook,(my opinion) but smacked Charles..."That aint tha shit man, And leather wristbands"??? Funniest shit ever.
5. DRAKE...Cant even front, dudes goes hard, I dont listen to him, but everybody I know does, much respect.
1. Carrie E...^My nigga!!! Stay outta jail, and he could do damage.(Best in Orlando)
2. Asher Roth...I like his Lyrics more than his beats, "The Reading"...Crack!!!
3. Charles Hamilton...I like his beats more than his Lyrics...Talented, not a rapper(Muscian)
4. KADI...^Im my own fan, so I can be on my own list...Do something about it.lol
Comment if you think somebody should get took off, or if somebody should get put on...^
Look 2 da Starzzz...^
My 1st...^
I was board so I put this up...^ I made this beat a long time ago, I had just got the Fruity Loops and this was the 1st beat I finished,lol, this shit is trash but its brilliant at the same time.lol. Ima beast now, my beats is way better, but its just funny to look back at this...^
Friday, June 26, 2009

Dear MJ...^ The real MJ, not Michael Jordan, not Mary Jane, MICHAEL JACKSON...^
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Gone to my HAPPY PLACE???
Friday, June 5, 2009
1,000,000 Places At 1 Time?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Go Down, Pause The Music And Watch This...^
I saw this interview a min ago and thought this shit was funny,"limh"...^That means "laughing in my head"...lol...is dead!!!
Anyways I was on the phone with my (Spice Girl) the other night and she was like your cocky...^I got offended for a second then I had to defend myself. Theres a fine line between Passion and being COCKY. I was like im just real passionate. Everything I do I really and truely wanna be the best at it. Nobody wants to be 2nd, if your not the best or at least trying to be the best at what you do...^DONT DO IT. Its no different from Kobe Bryant's arragance, or LaBron walking off the coart and not shakeing hands with tha Magic players. People wanna win because winning is the only thing we respect as Americans. SAD..but TRUE.
Back 2 the interview. I feel the same way as Dame. I go so hard so niggas around me can see my passion and hustle hard just like me. I want everybody to be rich. Its more fun that way...One more example...^Aight I was playing video games with DaiShawn and Mikey the other day, and we all equally nice at the game. I was thinking this is fun. Cause usually Im the best at the games and I just smash everybody else, but if we all good nobody knows whos gonna win everytime we play and thats exciteing to me. Beating niggas all the time isnt fun. Put that in life terms. I want everybody to be rich. If Im the only rich person wen I walk out the door I know I gonna be the fre$h(est) and thats no fun. But if everybody got cake then I might walk out the door and DaiShawn might be Fre$sh(er) than me...^No worries we just laugh about it but best believe 2morrow I got a new fit for him and ill be the Fre$h(est)...^Smell me?...^ All and All competition is good. So get ya money up cause mine will be and I need competition cause "IT'S LONELY AT THA TOP".limh...^Not Cocky just Passionate!!!
Look 2 da StArZzZ...^
Monday, June 1, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ohh you wanna talk today huh.lol...Part 1

Sidepiece...Part 2

Mom/girlfriend...?...Part 3

Find Yours...Part 4

Look to tha Starzzz...^
Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009
LOVE All That Is LAURYN...^

So lets see...^ 1.We got Lauryn Hill(Eve)...^ 2. Lauren London is beautiful. 3. Nigga everybody got at least 3 Polo's. 4. This theory is true for all races, thats why I threw Lauren Conrad in there,lol, she bad though. 5. Lauren King???
In regards to the last picture...I covered her face because I didn't want anybody to feel a certain type of way(Her, family, boyfriends) ect. But lets keep it real for a 2nd. I have only been in TRUE lOVE!!! with one female in all 20 years of my life. I don't throw that word around, so if I told you I loved you I prolly meant it to a certain extent, but if I ever told you that you were
my 1st LOVE I was either lying, or it just sounded good at the moment...^
In reality Ive only been in REAL LOVE with 1 female...#5, and Im sure that if she's reading this, no matter if she is in front of a room full of people or just by herself...^ She's smiling. And thats all I really ever wanted...Keep Smiling. Damn I got mushy,lol, naw she is a good friend of mine, Love you mama.
But back to the real point. Lauryn is women, Tupac is man, we must love all women, especially those who were made in the Image of (EVE)...^
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wats poppin world, this is my 1st official blog entry. Most people do their blogs based on daily events that happen in their life. Thats not what this is. Actually I might jus be a whole type of human being, imagine a fine line between ignorant, and pure genuis...Thats me. But ultimately where here for the Round Table Discussion.
Theres a difference between the round table Conversation, and the Round Table Discussion. 1st off, The Round Table Conversation is a weekly day dream that I have. Imagine a conversation between me..."KADI", Tupac, and Lauren Hill. Tupac represents "Adam, the 1st man, and Lauren Hill is "Eve" the 1st women, and I am KADI, the voice of reason. All Together we make up this weekly conversation to discuss what is current in MY(the) world, be it Hip Hop, Politics, Fashion, Love Life, Religion, Space, or Secrete Societies.lol. Nothings off limits in the Round Table Conversation, all 3 of us have a since of humor. The Round Table Discussion is just wen I post it and talk about it with all of you.lol...Simple***^
This blog brings out the Geek in me, but lets not 4get that I am a rapper 1st, and The Round Table Conversation will also be a place where I debut a lot of my music, so niggas can hate and say I aint the best rapper wen they know i am.lol. All in all im just tryna spread the mesage through Music, and other talents, Fre$h Ave is the MOVEMENT!!!...Look to the starzzz...^