Monday, May 11, 2009


There both regular plants, But one is weed...^ Im confused!

When God made the world...Lets see how do I start, well 1st Ill say"In my eyes", cause all of this is from my beliefs, not something I read in a book, or something a breathing person told me, its either my beliefs, or just something Pac or Lauryn told me. Okay, God is all powerful, and were his children. He created the earth as a place for us to live and live well until he calls us into the afterlife(Heaven, Ghost, Spirits, Souls,ect) While we spend time here he made it convient, supplying us with everthing we need to live a healthy life...^Food(fruit,certain animals,ect) Water, clean air, the sun, the moon, plants, and trees..All these things are helpful for everyday life...What is this nigga talkin bout, plants dont help me...^(Go look up the word Photosynthesis)...^ Okay back to the smart people, God created all these things to help us.

Now to the real story, My mom called me last night around 10, I was watching the Magic game, wit my niggas. She started yelling and shit like I know where you are and what your doing, I was like chill, and what are you talkin about. She said are you smokin weed...^ Big sigh..."Well not at the She hung up, well I didnt feel like hearing the bullshit so I just didnt go home that night, I got home this morning but she was already gone to work, she called me from work around 11am like we need to talk about this, I was like aight...^"Children you should never lie to your parents" They yell but ultimately they love you. So we talkin and she yelling about how she doesnt need a junkie livin in her house, and Im gonna end up like my dad, and my sister and a bunch of other shit. My arguement was...^"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa...Aight 1st of all you been smokin cigaretts...(she hits 1 a night/harmless but deadly)...since I was born. Then she said the dumbest most self centered most...BULLS**T i ever hear. She was like I dont inhale them...I was shocked for like 5 seconds that she would even allow that to come out her mouth, like I aint a grown a** man with a brain.

My whole thing is, IM NOT SUPERMAN, I wanna be, I say I am, BUT IM NOT. I get stressed just like every other human being...^Moms struggling to make it on her jobs pay, my oldest sister has 3 kids, no job, no where to stay. My brother lives in Arkansas, he's persueing football dreams, but if it was up to me he wouldnt have to work/play football/kill hisself for a dollar...feel me? My other sister is jobless, on house arrest, and she whooped so many chicks ass in this city somebody could take her life any day. My dad is supposedly wanted for murder, broke, and on the CRAZY right, add all that into the fact that I dont even live home, I live in Miami, 4 hours away from all the people I love. NO car, NO money, NO food, cafeteria food is poisen. AND!!! I have class all the time, test, quizzes, finale exams, papers, projects...ect. I bet you wanna smoke something after just reading I havent even be smokin that long, I started in March...2009 mom if you ever read this.

But through all of that I jus said I never complained once, I ask my mom for money maybe every 5 to 6 months, and thats really when Im at rock bottom and she's that only one I can ask. So really rapping is the perfect carrer for me, its tha only way I get to vent about all the shit going on in my life without killing somebody/MYSELF...^

Back to the begining, WEED is not a drug, its a damn plant people...You gotta put it in the ground and it grows like mostly everything GOD put here for us. Lets get another thing straight, if you lace your blunts with other shit then...yea thats drugs, but I dont mom. Regular people smoke weed because they have all the same problems as me and they wanna get away/run or hide. Thats why some niggas smoke and just sit there, wasteing time and their life. For me...^ Weed takes all the bullshit(life) everything negative(Haters) all my weight(stress) and turns it into something positive. Thats why when I smoke Im on the move, be it just thinking of my next move or actually gettin up and makin it happen. I gotta get rich, not only for my sake, but for my family, my Girl(Love her) and my friends. The worst thing in the world is wen you know you can do something but you never get the chance, maybe cause you didnt take the chance or you was never given that chance, but me...Uma take my chance and I WILL WIN!!!...As for my mom. All I can say is Im doing this for you...^ I love You regaurdless of what happens. Over and Out...^

Look To The Stars...^


  1. This is good, I would like to hear more Mr. Lock. If only you had opened up as much in my class:)Professor Langley

  2. 87% percent though Miss Langley, you couldnt like... just make that a A...^
