Philosophy...^ Aight its like this, Lauryn Hill is Eve, the 1st women, she was created in God's perfect image, pure, without sin, and full of soul. So it only makes since that everything that followers her is made in a pure, sinless form.lol.
This is the fun part. Now I want you to think hard, about every celebrity, every chick you ever knew, had a crush on or even dated that had the name Lauryn...Or Lauren. She was beautiful, you don't have to tell me, I already know. Everything that this name touches is...for lack of a better word, PERFECT. I aint jus talkin out my ass, SHE...^ actually told me this one night at the round table conversation. It wasnt until the next day that I remembered what she was talkin about and actually thought about it, the shit made since right off the back.So lets see...^ 1.We got Lauryn Hill(Eve)...^ 2. Lauren London is beautiful. 3. Nigga everybody got at least 3 Polo's. 4. This theory is true for all races, thats why I threw Lauren Conrad in there,lol, she bad though. 5. Lauren King???
In regards to the last picture...I covered her face because I didn't want anybody to feel a certain type of way(Her, family, boyfriends) ect. But lets keep it real for a 2nd. I have only been in TRUE lOVE!!! with one female in all 20 years of my life. I don't throw that word around, so if I told you I loved you I prolly meant it to a certain extent, but if I ever told you that you were
my 1st LOVE I was either lying, or it just sounded good at the moment...^
In reality Ive only been in REAL LOVE with 1 female...#5, and Im sure that if she's reading this, no matter if she is in front of a room full of people or just by herself...^ She's smiling. And thats all I really ever wanted...Keep Smiling. Damn I got mushy,lol, naw she is a good friend of mine, Love you mama.
But back to the real point. Lauryn is women, Tupac is man, we must love all women, especially those who were made in the Image of (EVE)...^
But back to the real point. Lauryn is women, Tupac is man, we must love all women, especially those who were made in the Image of (EVE)...^
Much respect to the thoughts of K.A.D.I... Sincerly Ave'r Divine, a true follower.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I can't wait to see the progress that this blog will bring and the reflection of your life and all the success you will have, continue to speak from your heart