Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Aight so its been like 2 weeks now, and my Dreads startin to get longer...^So....If you been anywhere near Orlando the last week or so you know its been raining like crazy, everyday. Well im to fresh for tha rain so I just been staying in alot. But I noticed something. Everytime I get in or out of a car I gotta run to the door so I dont get my clothes or my hair wet. But its raining that hard, so you cant help but to get a little soaked...^Aight to the point. If you see me I play in my hair alot, almost all the time, watchin TV, at church...WATEVA. Its actually kinda soothing just to twist them. So I started noticing somethin...^Everytime I would come in the house out of the rain my hair would feel different, actually better, not to dry, but not to wet, my shit was just right. It got to the point where I was watchin tv, and I went outside and just stood in the rain for like 10 seconds just so they could get wet...^So I start thinkin, "It gotta be somekind of solution to this". So I did like the great thinkers before me would do wen they had a problem...^I used the The 1st thing I found was the word (JUU)...^ Its a Jamaican word which means "A light rain". The Rasta's actually use rainwater to wash they hair...^Well thats a little to much for me so ill just stick to the 10 second method I was But I kept lookin and I even found a blog just like mine. The gurl above is from California, she dedicated her whole blog to the process she went/is going through to get her dreads. Its kinda cool, she said the same thing about the rain water, basically back in the motherland...^Africa, it wasnt no damn Head and Shoulders, so "God"...^ made the rain with a special ingrediant that is benificial for hair. Now I aint saying go out and stand in the rain with yo wet-n-wavy 10 But if you got dreads it does help. Shout out to KALIA-DEWDROP's blog, she was a big help...^ End of the summer my dreads about to be a problem,lol, and Fuck who dont like it...Over...^

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