Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Aight so its been like 2 weeks now, and my Dreads startin to get longer...^So....If you been anywhere near Orlando the last week or so you know its been raining like crazy, everyday. Well im to fresh for tha rain so I just been staying in alot. But I noticed something. Everytime I get in or out of a car I gotta run to the door so I dont get my clothes or my hair wet. But its raining that hard, so you cant help but to get a little soaked...^Aight to the point. If you see me I play in my hair alot, almost all the time, watchin TV, at church...WATEVA. Its actually kinda soothing just to twist them. So I started noticing somethin...^Everytime I would come in the house out of the rain my hair would feel different, actually better, not to dry, but not to wet, my shit was just right. It got to the point where I was watchin tv, and I went outside and just stood in the rain for like 10 seconds just so they could get wet...^So I start thinkin, "It gotta be somekind of solution to this". So I did like the great thinkers before me would do wen they had a problem...^I used the The 1st thing I found was the word (JUU)...^ Its a Jamaican word which means "A light rain". The Rasta's actually use rainwater to wash they hair...^Well thats a little to much for me so ill just stick to the 10 second method I was But I kept lookin and I even found a blog just like mine. The gurl above is from California, she dedicated her whole blog to the process she went/is going through to get her dreads. Its kinda cool, she said the same thing about the rain water, basically back in the motherland...^Africa, it wasnt no damn Head and Shoulders, so "God"...^ made the rain with a special ingrediant that is benificial for hair. Now I aint saying go out and stand in the rain with yo wet-n-wavy 10 But if you got dreads it does help. Shout out to KALIA-DEWDROP's blog, she was a big help...^ End of the summer my dreads about to be a problem,lol, and Fuck who dont like it...Over...^

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ohh you wanna talk today 1

This is my favorite picture of Tupac...^He looks happy, not like "Out on bail, Fre$h outta jail California dreamin "...happy, but Thugs Mansion happy. He brought up a interesting topic, he was like "You know I was suppose to be in Baby Boy right". I was like ohh yea I did hear that. Baby Boy the 2001 movie starring Tyrese and its directed by John Singleton...The part of Jody was suppose to be played by Tupac, thats why they play his music and show his face alot in the film. Anyways, Pacs point was that every man has three women in his life that are valuable, and we must love them. I said how...^...^...^............^

Sidepiece...Part 2

1st of all if this women is you dont be ashamed. You are a vidal part in a mans life...^He is very grateful for you even if he doesnt show it. Aight its like this...^Meet Peanut, her name is even This was Jody side bitch, every real nigga got a solid other bitch. He went over her crib, and just rushed her in the shower, thats pretty disrespectful, buts thats a real nigga way of saying honey im home...^lol. 1st thing out his mouth, im hungry. She cooked him breakfast, and she was rollin a descent blunt while he was eating...Damn mom dukes came home, no worries, her mom is usually cool, her moms is the type that know you aint shit, but she know her daughter aint shit either so she just allow the shit to happen. Anyways, he finished his food, they burned together in the room wit tha music loud and she prolly topped him or, not to mention it was only like 10 o-clock in the morning, he had just dropped his main to work, so he could prolly even fall asleep for a lil min b4 the day starts...^Wat a great morning,lol. Thats besides tha point. Side chicks listen up, we love you more than you know. 1st of all niggas if ya team is nice like mine is/was/will be/ wateva...Your side chick should be just as fine if not finer than youe main is. But thats just me,lol. Anyways, side chicks, we are grateful, your sex game is tha best, and we cherish sex the most so really your tha most important thing in our lives...Read it again and think about it. But we dont rock wit you just for the sex, you gotta provide at least 3 attributes to be a perfect side chick, you gotta have money, a car, some type of hook up at a food place, or clotheing store, you gotta have some type of good credit or be real smart with skool work...Something damnit just to let your man know..."Hey im the side chick but im gonna do my job as good as I can". Ladies with that attitude your man will treat you so good that you want even know that your the side chick. All ladies want to feel loved, some ladies are so thirsty for that void of love that they will mess with a man even though he got a chick, so its up to niggas to treat them like 1000,000 so they wont feel bad about being the side chick. I feel like im looseing people, niggas should put comments to let me know so I aint just running^Starzzz

Mom/girlfriend...?...Part 3

This is the 2nd women in your life.
This story doesnt pertain to me, but a close friend/brother of mine. Jody was round 20..21 in this movie, round the same age as my nigga. Wen you was a lil boy you was mommys lil man, she was down for you and you was down for her, just the 2 of yall...cause pops a bitch and wasnt there. But now you a man, and this picture explains exactly how moms feel. She is focused in hard on this sucker ass nigga, and you fade in the background. 1st of all we want moms to be happy regaurdless, so if its wit a sucker ass nigga...let it be, but moms... dont start frontin on me just cause this nigga come around, you never cared cause I came home high before but since this nigga mention it its a problem now...^He has no authority is all im saying, cause 1st of all im grown, and secound of all you the newcomer, so really you should be trying to empress me. Step dads tend to think there more important than they really are, nigga im not worried about you, so really you shouldnt be studying my moves Aight its like this...^Steps pops you cool, just know that you a nobody in my eyes so dont try so hard and we'll be straight. Mom dukes, you can have that sucker ass nigga, but dont forget where you came from. Chicken pops and parent teacher confrences, tha home team...^lol, I love my mom.
Look to the Starzzz...^

Find Yours...Part 4

Finally...^Aight its like this, every man has the one woman in his life thats ughh...Above average. Some niggas call em Wifey, Main Jawn, Old lady, ect. She is your everything, she can have watever she wants, long boreing ass conversations on the phone, dates, holding hands in public, and you can even fuck her wit no condum witout worrying...^I hope she dont get pregnant but if she does FUCK IT...^ Dats wifey!!!lol. Nigga you know, the one that get to you wen yall argueing, no other bitch can make you get madd but her, not mad like bitch get out of my room, but madd like I love you so much that all I can do is scream at you, I love you to much to just walk away, but I hate you enough that I can puch a wall or maybe even grab tha fuck outta you. Real ladies out there, if your nigga grabs you, shakes you, or just squeezes tha fuck out your arm or something. Dont call the police, that means he love you and thats the only way a real nigga can express his feelings to you...^ Mostly cause yall never let us talk. So real niggas out there keep lovin ya wifeys, fuck other hoes on the, but never forget where tha real love is at. Nigga she the one thats gone take 30 out her account to give to you wen yo money just aint right, she the one who gone put her hand on the back of yo neck and put yo ear on her chest...^Listen to her heart beat at night cause she cares how yo day went and she wants you to be happy. She got yo mom phone number and wen you acting up she gone call her, and tha fucked up part about it is......... yo mom gone be on her side...^lol, All Love is beautiful. BLACK LOVE IS GORGEOUS!

Look to tha Starzzz...^

Monday, May 11, 2009


There both regular plants, But one is weed...^ Im confused!

When God made the world...Lets see how do I start, well 1st Ill say"In my eyes", cause all of this is from my beliefs, not something I read in a book, or something a breathing person told me, its either my beliefs, or just something Pac or Lauryn told me. Okay, God is all powerful, and were his children. He created the earth as a place for us to live and live well until he calls us into the afterlife(Heaven, Ghost, Spirits, Souls,ect) While we spend time here he made it convient, supplying us with everthing we need to live a healthy life...^Food(fruit,certain animals,ect) Water, clean air, the sun, the moon, plants, and trees..All these things are helpful for everyday life...What is this nigga talkin bout, plants dont help me...^(Go look up the word Photosynthesis)...^ Okay back to the smart people, God created all these things to help us.

Now to the real story, My mom called me last night around 10, I was watching the Magic game, wit my niggas. She started yelling and shit like I know where you are and what your doing, I was like chill, and what are you talkin about. She said are you smokin weed...^ Big sigh..."Well not at the She hung up, well I didnt feel like hearing the bullshit so I just didnt go home that night, I got home this morning but she was already gone to work, she called me from work around 11am like we need to talk about this, I was like aight...^"Children you should never lie to your parents" They yell but ultimately they love you. So we talkin and she yelling about how she doesnt need a junkie livin in her house, and Im gonna end up like my dad, and my sister and a bunch of other shit. My arguement was...^"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa...Aight 1st of all you been smokin cigaretts...(she hits 1 a night/harmless but deadly)...since I was born. Then she said the dumbest most self centered most...BULLS**T i ever hear. She was like I dont inhale them...I was shocked for like 5 seconds that she would even allow that to come out her mouth, like I aint a grown a** man with a brain.

My whole thing is, IM NOT SUPERMAN, I wanna be, I say I am, BUT IM NOT. I get stressed just like every other human being...^Moms struggling to make it on her jobs pay, my oldest sister has 3 kids, no job, no where to stay. My brother lives in Arkansas, he's persueing football dreams, but if it was up to me he wouldnt have to work/play football/kill hisself for a dollar...feel me? My other sister is jobless, on house arrest, and she whooped so many chicks ass in this city somebody could take her life any day. My dad is supposedly wanted for murder, broke, and on the CRAZY right, add all that into the fact that I dont even live home, I live in Miami, 4 hours away from all the people I love. NO car, NO money, NO food, cafeteria food is poisen. AND!!! I have class all the time, test, quizzes, finale exams, papers, projects...ect. I bet you wanna smoke something after just reading I havent even be smokin that long, I started in March...2009 mom if you ever read this.

But through all of that I jus said I never complained once, I ask my mom for money maybe every 5 to 6 months, and thats really when Im at rock bottom and she's that only one I can ask. So really rapping is the perfect carrer for me, its tha only way I get to vent about all the shit going on in my life without killing somebody/MYSELF...^

Back to the begining, WEED is not a drug, its a damn plant people...You gotta put it in the ground and it grows like mostly everything GOD put here for us. Lets get another thing straight, if you lace your blunts with other shit then...yea thats drugs, but I dont mom. Regular people smoke weed because they have all the same problems as me and they wanna get away/run or hide. Thats why some niggas smoke and just sit there, wasteing time and their life. For me...^ Weed takes all the bullshit(life) everything negative(Haters) all my weight(stress) and turns it into something positive. Thats why when I smoke Im on the move, be it just thinking of my next move or actually gettin up and makin it happen. I gotta get rich, not only for my sake, but for my family, my Girl(Love her) and my friends. The worst thing in the world is wen you know you can do something but you never get the chance, maybe cause you didnt take the chance or you was never given that chance, but me...Uma take my chance and I WILL WIN!!!...As for my mom. All I can say is Im doing this for you...^ I love You regaurdless of what happens. Over and Out...^

Look To The Stars...^

Monday, May 4, 2009

LOVE All That Is LAURYN...^


Philosophy...^ Aight its like this, Lauryn Hill is Eve, the 1st women, she was created in God's perfect image, pure, without sin, and full of soul. So it only makes since that everything that followers her is made in a pure, sinless 
This is the fun part. Now I want you to think hard, about every celebrity, every chick you ever knew, had a crush on or even dated that had the name Lauryn...Or Lauren. She was beautiful, you don't have to tell me, I already know. Everything that this name touches is...for lack of a better word, PERFECT. I aint jus talkin out my ass, SHE...^ actually told me this one night at the round table conversation. It wasnt until the next day that I remembered what she was talkin about and actually thought about it, the shit made since right off the back.
So lets see...^ 1.We got Lauryn Hill(Eve)...^ 2. Lauren London is beautiful. 3. Nigga everybody got at least 3 Polo's. 4. This theory is true for all races, thats why I threw Lauren Conrad in there,lol, she bad though. 5. Lauren King???
In regards to the last picture...I covered her face because I didn't want anybody to feel a certain type of way(Her, family, boyfriends) ect. But lets keep it real for a 2nd. I have only been in TRUE lOVE!!! with one female in all 20 years of my life. I don't throw that word around, so if I told you I loved you I prolly meant it to a certain extent, but if I ever told you that you were
my 1st LOVE I was either lying, or it just sounded good at the moment...^
In reality Ive only been in REAL LOVE with 1 female...#5, and Im sure that if she's reading this, no matter if she is in front of a room full of people or just by herself...^ She's smiling. And thats all I really ever wanted...Keep Smiling. Damn I got mushy,lol, naw she is a good friend of mine, Love you mama.
But back to the real point. Lauryn is women, Tupac is man, we must love all women, especially those who were made in the Image of (EVE)...^


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wats poppin world, this is my 1st official blog entry. Most people do their blogs based on daily events that happen in their life. Thats not what this is. Actually I might jus be a whole type of human being, imagine a fine line between ignorant, and pure genuis...Thats me. But ultimately where here for the Round Table Discussion.

Theres a difference between the round table Conversation, and the Round Table Discussion. 1st off, The Round Table Conversation is a weekly day dream that I have. Imagine a conversation between me..."KADI", Tupac, and Lauren Hill. Tupac represents "Adam, the 1st man, and Lauren Hill is "Eve" the 1st women, and I am KADI, the voice of reason. All Together we make up this weekly conversation to discuss what is current in MY(the) world, be it Hip Hop, Politics, Fashion, Love Life, Religion, Space, or Secrete Nothings off limits in the Round Table Conversation, all 3 of us have a since of humor. The Round Table Discussion is just wen I post it and talk about it with all of***^

This blog brings out the Geek in me, but lets not 4get that I am a rapper 1st, and The Round Table Conversation will also be a place where I debut a lot of my music, so niggas can hate and say I aint the best rapper wen they know i All in all im just tryna spread the mesage through Music, and other talents, Fre$h Ave is the MOVEMENT!!!...Look to the starzzz...^